June 6 2021, Virtual Israeli Dance Festival DC. June 6 2021 would have been David Moses’ 81st birthday but, unfortunately, David passed away in April of 2020. David was a dedicated regular at Thursday night dancing, where he and his wife Yael schlepped from Baltimore every week no matter what the weather was like. He had the same energy as the young high school dancers; you would never know that he wasn’t still 20, and he always had a genuine smile and a warm welcome for everyone. David and Yael were also generous, long-time supporters of the Israeli Dance Festival DC; as soon as the festival date was announced, their donation was usually the first one received. They came to nearly every festival, and when they had an out of town family simcha, they would order the video so they could watch the festival later. David will be much missed by the Israeli dance community, and although he won’t be in the festival audience this year, his spirit is with us.
David Moses
Ruth Preuss

Ruth died peacefully in her sleep on September 26, 2018, with her family around her. She was truly very special, someone who people immediately love from the first time meeting her. Always smiling, warm and genuinely interested in hearing about what’s going on with you. A friendly face and friendly spirit. She really had a sparkle that reflected her fun-loving personality. She was much too young and vibrant for this to happen.
