Support the Festival

Why Support Us?
The Israeli Dance Festival DC is funded entirely through contributions from our generous sponsors. Financial support from our community is needed to keep this festival in the Washington DC area.
Please help us continue this beautiful tradition with your generous contribution. All amounts are appreciated and tax deductible.
*Donations can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one.
View our sponsorship letter for more details.
Use the PayPal button below to make a contribution to the Dance Festival. Thank you for your support!
Donate to the Festival
All amounts are greatly appreciated!
Sponsorship Levels
Malachim (Angels) - $700 or more:
Logo on poster/flyer, full page color ad in program, two complimentary tickets
Hora - $400:
Logo on poster/flyer, full page black & white ad in program, two complimentary tickets
Debka - $250:
Half page black and white ad in program, two complimentary tickets
Rokdim (Dancers) - $150
Quarter page ad in program, two complimentary tickets
Chaverim (Friends) - $60:
Acknowledgement in program, two complimentary tickets
Checks can be made out to Israeli Dance Festival DC & mailed to-
Israeli Dance Festival DC